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Showing posts from June, 2010

System Recovery with Comodo's Time Machine

Comodo's Time Machine is a software application that runs on your Windows machine and periodically (either manually or automatically) takes snapshots of your system. You are then able to roll back to any of these snapshots in the future. Indeed you can jump backwards and forwards in the tree and new branches appear as you make changes to the system. The idea behind it is that if you suffer any problems with corrupted software, malware, etc., then you can roll back to a known good state and start again. You can lock snapshots so that they don't get deleted and then clear out the ones that you don't want to keep any more. This is quite important, especially if you take automatic snapshots. You have to remember that every change made to the computer (i.e. every time you run it or change a file) the changes are stored. When a new snapshot is created, if you change a file you will have a new version on your system as well as the old one. Due to this, it requires a fair amount

Twitter Steganography

I have recently been thinking about Steganography again and various carriers as well as applications. For those of you that don't know what Steganography is, it simply means 'hidden writing' from the Greek. Some examples of steganography are: tatooing the scalps of messengers and then waiting for their hair to grow back; writing a message on the wood of a wax tablet before pouring the wax in; 'invisible inks'; pin pricks above characters in a cover letter; etc. Basically, we have a 'cover', which could be an image, passage of text, etc., that we are happy for anyone to see and a message that we want to hide within it so that it is undetectable. It turns out that this last part is quite hard. Anyway, I thought I'd look at techniques to embed data within Twitter as it is popular now and people are starting to monitor it. Hiding within a crowd, however, is a good technique as it takes quite a lot of resources to monitor all activity on a service like Twit